Yoga Nidra Script: Feel Less Lonely And More Connected To The Universal Love

Yoga Nidra Script: Feel Less Lonely And More Connected To The Universal Love

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Full Script:

Prepare for yoga nidra by lying down on your back and take these next few moments to become calm and comfortable.

Know that even if you fall asleep during this session, your subconscious is receiving the uplifting messages, which are being sewn like seeds in the fertile soul of the mind. 

Now repeat the following affirmations along with me:

I am connected to all beings in an intimate web of life.

I am grounded in courageous authenticity. 

I easily notice the best traits in other people.

I acknowledge the beauty in vulnerability. 

I am a social being and it is natural for me to form meaningful bonds of shared human experiences.

I honor my own goodness by interacting with others with pure love from the heart.

Allow yourself to feel the energy of these affirmations growing within your heart, and see it turn into a ball of light in your right hand. Now, move that energetic ball of light around your body starting with the right hand thumb, second finger, third, fourth, and fifth finger. Palm of the hand, back of the hand, right wrist, lower arm, elbow, upper arm and shoulder. Arm pit, right side of the torso, waist, hip, thigh, back of the thigh, knee cap, back of the knee, shin, calf muscle, right ankle, heel, sole, top of the foot, right big toe, second, third, fourth and fifth toe. The whole right side of the body.

Now feel the force of universal love spreading through the left hand, the left hand thumb, second finger, third, fourth, and fifth finger. Palm of the hand, back of the hand, left wrist, lower arm, elbow, upper arm and shoulder. Arm pit, left side of the torso, waist, hip, thigh, back of the thigh, knee cap, back of the knee, shin, calf muscle, left ankle, heel, sole, top of the foot, left big toe, second, third, fourth and fifth toe. The whole left side of the body.

Bring your awareness to the crown of the head, feel divine love spreading to the forehead, right eyebrow, left eyebrow, the brow center, right eyelid, left eyelid, right eye, left eye, right ear, left ear, the nose, tip of the nose, right nostril, left nostril, right cheek, left cheek, upper lip, lower lip, the muscles inside of the mouth, and tongue, the chin, throat, pit of the throat, right collar bone, left collar bone, right chest muscle, left chest muscle, and the sternum, Upper abdomen, navel, lower abdomen, and the groin.

The right thigh, left thigh, right knee, left knee, right shin, left shin, right ankle, left ankle, right foot, left foot, right toes, and left toes. The sole of the right foot, sole of the left foot, right heel, left heel, right calf muscle, left calf muscle, back of the right knee, back of the left knee, right hamstring, left hamstring, right buttock, left buttock, small of the back, muscles along the right side of the spine, muscles along the left side of the spine, right shoulder blade, left shoulder blade, back of the neck, back of the head, right side of the head, left side of the head,and the crown of the head.

Now feel the current of divine universal love within the whole right leg, whole left leg, both legs together.

The whole right arm, whole left arm, both arms together.

The whole front side of the body, whole back, both the front and back sides together.

The shoulders, neck, all the muscles of the face, and head.

The whole body together at once.

Be with your whole body, in this precious sacred now.

Now bring your awareness to the breath. Just know that you are breathing effortlessly in and out through the nostrils. Feel the energy of the earth, which unites us all as brothers and sisters, to flow from the natural world that surrounds you into your lungs, expanding the chest and abdomen with each inhalation. Exhale out the dark energy of loneliness, which is now leaving you permanently and dissipating away from you.

With each inhalation the loving and nurturing energy of the earth and cosmos is spreading through you, nourishing every cell and connecting you to the vast web of infinite and eternal cosmic energy.

Breathe into the root chakra at the base of the spine, feeling yourself becoming grounded in positivity and connectedness.

Breathe into the sacral chakra in the pelvis, feeling self born joy and happiness bubbling up from the waters of ecstasy.

Breathe into the solar plexus chakra at the navel, feeling the dynamic energy of the universe burning within the core of the abdomen.

Breath into the heart chakra, directly back from the sternum, feeling love and compassion connect you to all living beings, everywhere.

Breathe into the throat chakra, at the pit of the throat, feeling your ability to communicate openly and authentically blossom like a vibrant blue lotus flower.

Breath into the third eye chakra at the brow center, feeling the knowledge of truth begin to expand and allowing for mature understanding for yourself and other people to culminate into an inner vision of universal oneness.

Now just become a detached silent witness to your own thought processes. Know that because your thoughts are an object of your awareness and subject to change, that they are not the real you. Do not repress anything. Just remain an observer. 

Develop awareness of the actual source of these feelings of loneliness and isolation. 

Now, visualize yourself in a tranquil natural setting beside a mountain spring. Envision the vibrant hues of greenery surrounding you, the beauty of blossoming flowers dotting the landscape. Feel the crisp, invigorating mountain air as a cool breeze gently caresses the skin of your cheeks and forehead. Listen closely to the soothing melody of the flowing water, its gentle murmur creating a tranquil soundtrack to the scene. The harmonious symphony of nature is complete with the sweet melodies of birdsong, echoing through the trees. As you absorb the beauty of this moment, recognize and embrace the profound connection you share with the Earth. Understand that you are not merely an observer; you are a cherished child of the Earth, and in this sacred present moment, the eternal now, the natural world envelops you in its loving embrace.

With this serene natural scene as your backdrop, turn your attention inward. Acknowledge any feelings of loneliness within yourself, allowing them to surface without repressing them and without the slightest trace of judgment. Become a detached observer to all emotions on the surface of your heart. Now, extend your awareness beyond your own thoughts and emotions. Acknowledge that millions of other individuals are also suffering from feelings of isolation and loneliness. Visualize a vast web of living energy, connecting you to people around the world who, like you, are navigating the complexities of the human experience. Recognize that you are not alone in your journey; a tapestry of shared experiences binds you with others in the pursuit of connection and understanding.

Reflect deeply on the inherent social nature of all people, as human beings being social creatures is an inseparable part of our nature. Envision the intricate dance of human interaction, the beauty of shared moments, and the power of genuine connection. Picture the ripple effect created by a simple smile, a kind gesture, or a moment of sincere eye contact. Understand that these seemingly small acts have the potential to create profound connections and foster a sense of deep belonging.

Extend your contemplation to the raw beauty found in vulnerability. Visualize yourself embracing authenticity, courageously taking the first steps in forming human-to-human bonds. Imagine offering genuine compliments and pursuing friendships solely for the joy of companionship. Friendship is its own reward. Envision yourself part of a world where true friendship blossoms without hidden agendas—a selfless exchange of care, understanding, and support that transcends the boundaries of isolation.

Shift your focus to the art of deep listening. Visualize yourself engaged in heartfelt conversations, where you listen attentively without the distraction of waiting for your own turn to talk. Feel the depth of connection as you enter into profound rapport with others, sharing moments of vulnerability and silent understanding. Recognize that the purest form of love is expressed through the gift of undivided attention, creating a space for authentic connections to flourish organically.

Now, expand your awareness to see yourself as an integral part of a vast web of life. Visualize the threads of living energy connecting you to all beings, forming a network of support and understanding. Understand that you are never truly alone; you are intricately connected to all forms of life, sharing energy, wisdom, and experiences in this interconnected dance of existence.

Bring your attention to your heart center, located directly back from the sternum. Feel the warmth and radiance emanating from this center of unlimited love. Recognize that beyond the illusions of individuality, we are all identical as pure conscious awareness. Envision the warm light expanding further, enveloping your entire body, extending beyond your surroundings, and reaching out to embrace the entire world.

Release the bitterness of any lingering hurt into the flowing mountain spring, understanding that those who may have caused you pain were themselves grappling with suffering and desperation. Realize that their actions are not about you, but reflect their own internal struggles, offering valuable insights into their own wounds and insecurities. Embrace forgiveness as a pathway to self liberation, recognizing that how others react to you says more about their inner world than who you are. Allow the warm light from your heart center to not only envelop yourself but also extend towards those who may have hurt you, offering compassion and the potential for transformation. In this interconnected dance of existence, may the healing energy flow in all directions, fostering growth, forgiveness, a  nd a deeper understanding of our shared humanity.

Again repeat the same affirmations from earlier: 

I am connected to all beings in an intimate web of life.

I am grounded in courageous authenticity. 

I easily notice the best traits in other people.

I acknowledge the beauty in vulnerability. 

I am a social being and it is natural for me to form meaningful bonds of shared human experiences.

I honor my own goodness by interacting with others with pure love from the heart.

As you conclude this extended meditation, carry with you the profound awareness of your deep connections and the understanding that you are an integral part of the web of life. When you are ready, gently open your eyes, bringing this enhanced sense of connection and love into your everyday interactions with the world.

If you have enjoyed this yoga nidra please like, comment and share it with others. You may wish to express your gratitude by using the Super Thanks button, which empowers me to continue uplifting and empowering you!

The practice of Yoga Nidra is now complete. 

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Sri Matre Namaha

With my ascendant lord in the ninth house you can see that I have always been inclined towards spiritual interests. My first major spiritual awakening occurred at seventeen in which I had visions of past lives as a yogi and saw the ultimate mission and purpose of my soul (my sankalpa) during this life. About seven years later I met my guruji and my Kundalini Shakti was awakened through shaktipat diksha when I was twenty-four. The intense inner awakening that followed led me on many extended journeys through India and South East Asia studying with several great masters, whom trained me in the esoteric teachings of Yoga, Tantra, and Vedanta. With Jupiter in my tenth house (while bringing the strength of five planets from Sagittarius) I have always had a propensity towards teaching. To share these invaluable ancient traditional techniques with you is a tremendous blessing and honor. Hari Om, ~Devatma Saraswati

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