Astrology Magick One: Harness The Power of Planetary Energies

Astrology Magick One: Harness The Power of Planetary Energies


This is an extremely powerful course on Astrological magick that teaches you how to super-optimize every day of the week by aligning with the planetary energies that govern them. By harmonizing ourselves with the nine planets we can improve their negative influences, even-out our karmic balance sheet, and enjoy a fully well rounded life of fulfillment on every level.

What You Get:

  • Over 2.5 hours of on demand video (pre-recorded video lectures).
  • Three live group sessions on Zoom allowing for you to ask questions, analyze real charts, and to explore the subject matter at greater depth.
  • An 88-page customized astrological report and your birth chart(s) with all of the planetary information you will ever need to know (for this lifetime!).
  • A 52-page illustrated PDF workbook with all curriculum and slides.
  • Nine downloadable yoga nidra mp3’s to help you internalize the course material.
  • Instant access to all of the above material immediately after checkout!

Personal Benefits:

  • Align with the nine planets in your daily life.
  • Develop a profound connection with nature.
  • Learn which planets are your friends and enemies.
  • Learn to create potent Vedic remedies for pacifying malefic planets.
  • Learn how to strengthen weak planets.
  • Maintain a fully well-rounded and balanced life.
  • Learn to guess other people’s sign (and be right 80% of the time).
  • Identify and overcome obstacles that have been holding you back.
  • Improve your overall karmic score.
  • Learn an ancient spiritual science.



Namo Narayan,


The planets and constellations are not merely objects in outer space orbiting around our sun like massive boulders, but they are quite literally ‘lords of light’ returning our own karma from past lives back upon us now during this lifetime here on planet Earth.


The first key to understanding planetary energies is to know that each planet represents a different aspect of yourself! From your body, to your ego, mind, emotions and intellect. All the various dimensions of your being are governed by a particular planet. Next, each constellation determines the script (or role) that the planet will play. And finally, the house determines which area of your life (such as your finances, marriage, career, etc.) that all of this will occur in.


Planet: Aspect of you.
Constellation/Sign: Archetypal stereotype.
House: Specific area of your life.


See you already learned something new about astrology! Wasn’t that fun!?


Truth is, learning Vedic Astrology is incredibly exciting and it may even reawaken within you that childlike wonder for nature and exploring the mysteries of life!


So, first thing I want you to understand before you enroll in this course, is that these nine ‘planets’ are not merely impersonal forces orbiting around the Sun millions of miles away. But they are the ancient demigods intricately involved in influencing all areas of your life – based upon your own karma!


By using this course you can learn how to align with these planets, perform Vedic astrological remedies and improve your own karma immensely.


Fortunately we are not helpless slaves in this whole process of karma and fate, like cogs in a wheel, but we can influence our future and achieve our highest and most fulfilling ultimate destiny. However, in order to improve our ‘karmic score sheet’ we must become conscious, have awareness of the desires and aspects of ourselves these karmas are stemming from, become determined towards self improvement – and possess at least some astrological knowledge.


This course will give you the tools and correct understanding so that you can begin using Vedic astrology in your own life immediately.


Here is your next free lesson: Below is a breakdown of the parts of our being that each planet relates to:

  1. Sun: Ego
  2. Moon: Mind
  3. Mercury: Intellect
  4. Venus: The senses
  5. Mars: The body
  6. Jupiter: Wisdom
  7. Saturn: Discipline
  8. Rahu: Obsession
  9. Ketu: Neglect


Therefore, Sun is returning your ego’s karma. Mars is returning your physical karma committed by the body. Venus is returning your sensual/relational karmas. Mercury is returning intellectual karmas. Jupiter returns past life good deeds and influences your wisdom. Saturn returns your past life bad deeds, and helps you improve your self discipline. Rahu represents your existential cravings and desires. Ketu represents your past life achievements, as well as what you neglect in this life. And so on.


By aligning with these planets we can improve their negative influences, ‘even-out’ our karmic balance sheet, and enjoy a fully well rounded life of fulfillment on every level. This is not hypothetical, but is a very practical and attainable science that can be used to help overcome the various obstacles to your destiny and immensely improve every area of your life!


So, let’s continue! Next we must understand that each planet rules over various things in the material world, as well; such as colors, precious stones, even animals and days of the week. For example, Mars rules over Tuesday, the color red, Manipura chakra, Aries and Scorpio, Martial Arts, military, physical activity, horned and stinging animals, red coral and similar items.


Therefore, by wearing the color red on Tuesday, doing cardiovascular workout such as going for an extra long walk that day, perhaps practicing some form of Martial arts and wearing a red coral mala – you are harmonizing your energies with Mars (which will reduce its negative influences such as anger, while simultaneously giving you more energy, vitality, and helping you to become more proactive, coordinated and assertive).


In this way we can align with the ruling planet of the day to attract their blessings and also maintain all the various ambitions and arenas of our life.


This is an extremely powerful course that teaches you how to super-optimize every day of the week by aligning with the planetary energies that govern them. This is not an excuse to blame everything on the planets! Quite to the opposite. This is a course on how to become causal, regain control over your life and turbocharge your daily progress by aligning with the ‘big bosses in the sky’!


I look forward to having you join me for this empowering course on astrological magic!


Hari Om,

~Devatma Saraswati



  • Align with the nine planets in your daily life.
  • Super-optimize your productivity in every sphere of life.
  • Maintain a fully well-rounded and fulfilling life.
  • Learn which are your strong and weak planets.
  • Learn Vedic remedies for improving weak planets.
  • Improve your overall karmic score.
  • Learn a powerful ancient spiritual science.
  • Learn how to guess other people’s sign and be right at least 4 out of 5 times.
  • And more!


What’s included:

  1. Complete video workshop
  2. A personalized and complete 88-page PDF birth chart report (the only birth chart you will ever need) created with your birth information personally by Devatma.
  3. 52-Page PDF workbook + curriculum/slides (immediate access after checkout).
  4. Over 2.5 hours of on demand video (pre-recorded video lectures).
  5. Lifetime access to the course page.
  6. You get immediate access to the course page with all content pre-produced ahead of time (yes, even the lecture videos)!
  7. Nine yoga nidra sessions to help you absorb and retain the information (this is something new I know you will love!)


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